Dutch companies with comprehensive expat experience
Borrie Expatriate Services works for various large, international concerns. These companies already tend to have a well-oiled Global Mobility policy. We assist this type of company by calculating the financial consequences per international assignment and by providing advice on the most attractive form of international assignment. We can also assist employees by offering various services and helping them to make the right choices, so that they can embark on their foreign adventure without any concerns.
Client case study
As a food manufacturer with branches throughout the world, we are, of course, at home in the expat world. Every year, we send some twenty to thirty people abroad to different parts of the world, and vice versa. So we have the necessary experience. But there is always room for improvement. We were aware of that when we started working with Borrie Expatriate Services. For every case, they work out for us what the best form of international assignment is. That regularly results in a considerable financial gain. The Business Case they write is clear on that, and this clarity is borne out in practice. In addition, they assist us and our staff with all the administrative and tax matters, from the declarations to pension building. For us, it is important that our people can concentrate on what they’re good at when they’re abroad. Secondly, it’s nice if we can make savings on how this is done. And thirdly, everyone has to know exactly where they stand. Borrie Expatriate Services always comes up promptly with the right solution to all these issues.